Sade Sati is an astrological concept associated with the transit of Saturn or Shani. This slow moving planet takes two and half years to transit through one zodiac sign. It takes about 30 years to complete the 12 zodiac signs. Sade sati occurs when shani transits through 12th, 1st and 2nd house from the natal moon.It spans about seven and half years to transit through these three signs. 

   Literally the word Sade Sati means seven and half years, Sade means half and sati means seven. In a whole life a native will have to go through 3 or 4 sade sati periods. This period is believed to be inauspicious and people going  through Sade Sati will have its negative impact on life. Native will have to face health problems, financial problems, family disputes and legal issues. Students will lose interest in studies. He will suffer insults and even imprisonment. They will fail to get the desired results of hard work.

There are three faces phases of Sade Sati. First phase or rising phase is when Saturn comes before the moon sign of a natal chart i.e; when Shani transit through the 12th house from the moon sign. For example if your moon sign is Libra, Sade Sati will begin when Saturn enters Virgo. During this period native will suffer from excessive expenditure of money owing to crucial financial problems and debt. Foreign travels prove to be fruitless. It is better not to take any financial decisions during this period. He will meet with problems in the work front too.It also affects natives parents and close relatives. Native may be inclined to spiritualism and live in solitude away from material pleasures.

Second phase called peak phase is the most difficult one. During this period Saturn transit through natal moon i.e; the 1st house of natal chart. Natives reputation in society will fall. Difference of opinion with spouse and health problems can be indicated. They will lack self confidence and progress in life become very low. He may stay away from spouse.

During 3rd phase or setting phase Saturn transit through 2nd house of natal chart.Native may be prone to incurable diseases which may cause even the death of the native.He may suffer from financial and legal issues. Must be cautious about accidents. Should try to maintain a cordial  relation with superiors at work place and should keep taking efforts during this period. 

 Although Sade Sati is regarded to be a very aggressive situation, there may be exceptions based on moon sign, mahadasha going on etc. It also depends on the houses Saturn owns in a particular birth chart. Final decisions about a natal chart did not depend upon Sade Sati. It may not be harmful for every one. Whole seven and half year may not be unfavourable.Sometimes malefic effects may be partial.Malefic effect of Sade Sati may be reduced to some extent for those with Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius as ascendants. When Saturn transits through certain sign of which Venus or Mercury is the ruler, then the malefic effect of Sade Sati will be reduced. When Saturn transits through its own sign i.e Capricorn and Aquarius, then Sade Sati may be beneficial.

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Saturn also called Shani is named after its slow moving nature.The wod Shani refers to  slow movement. Saturn takes two and half years to c...