Rahu is a malefic and shadow planet. It is considered to be an aggressive and furious planet. It is supposed to bring hardships and lack of peace in the natives life.Rahu mahadasha lasts for 18 years.It causes lack of stability of mind, lack of harmony in familial life and lack of support and detachment from family. They will go through a period of obstacles and failures.Native may suffer from ill health and financial loss.He may lack moral values and will be inclined to illicit pursuits leading to loss of status and reputation in society. On the other hand it may bring positive results as well.
Benefic placement of rahu creates favourable results.Well placed rahu bestows the native with power, higher position in profession and success in the material world. Rahu ensures a career abroad and he could defeat his opponents.
Rahu Anthardasha
During this anthardasha native will face obstacles and hindrances in achieving his aim.He may confront sudden fall from their high position.They may suffer from troubles caused by their enemies.Even their family members may not do favours to them.Relatives and friends turn against them.Mental unrest and lack of peace prevail during this period. Native should be cautious while taking major decisions during this period.

Jupiter Anthardasha
Benevolent jupiter provides wisdom, good fortune and accomplishment. If it is well placed in a natal chart it bestows the native with everything. Jupiter anthardasha shows progress in every field.Native will be respected in social field.His pure thoughts, determination and self efforts enables him to win over enemies and he feels a sense of satisfaction during this period. This is a period of growth and expansion. Progress in career front and monetary gains can be indicated. This period leads the native towards higher purposes. He will over come even the major problems without much effort. He will perform pious and humanitarian deeds and he will be fortunate to have religious pilgrimages.
Saturn Anthardasha
Saturn and Rahu both being malefic, saturn anthardasha effects the native adversely. This period will be troublesome and with struggles and sorrows. Native confronts a lot of impediments in the professional arena.He may lose his position in career and respect in society. He tends to indulge in conflicts with family.Enemies try to create blocks in their professional path.They experience lack of support and detachment from family. Sweetness of relationship loses due to many reasons.Mental unrest and agony prevails due to oppression around. Heart problems, accidents, and injuries may harm the native.
Mercury Anthardasha
During this period the negative impacts, hurdles and obstacles produced by rahu is wiped off to some extent by the beneficial mercury.Native becomes more flexible and imaginative. His reasoning ability and experimental ideas enables him to judge any situation properly. He enjoys the comforts of financial gains, and luxuries.He will be highly respected in society.With the grace of mercury he has the potential to take up different areas of studies. Family life will be harmonious and blissful.He attains substantial progress in business and professional field.Mercury aids the native while confronting malefic effects of rahu and thus he confronts the obstacles.
Ketu Anthardasha
Shadow planets rahu and ketu both being malefic, is considered to bring adverse effects to the native. During this anthardasha native will go through a tough time regarding career and finance. They will experience sudden downfall in career and loss of status.Native may follow an immoral and impious path and have connections with such people. . Depression, worries and anxiety prevails during this period. He may have to wander unreasonably and stay away from loved ones.He will experience fear from fire,weapons and poison.
Venus Anthardasha
Venus is a planet of love, beauty and prosperity.. A benefic venus in a natal chart blesses the native with luxuries, comforts, wealth, happiness and entertainment. But presence of venus as the anthardasha of rahu mahadasha may produce certain hardships and difficulties. Married life will be successful and native gets financial support from spouse as well. Progress in financial and social stature can be indicated. He may be endowed with conveyances and wealth.Career wise also there may be achievements.But success can be achieved only by putting sincere efforts and endeavours. He may feel like not getting the desired results. Although this is a period of challenges and hurdles he may be blessed with some auspicious events at home. He may be fortunate to have the birth of a son and shifting to their new home is also possible.He may be prone to anemia, nervous disorders and fear from snakes.
Sun Anthardasha
Being the bestower of courage, dignity and prosperity, Sun during this anthardasha reduces the malefic effect of rahu to some extent.Ont the other hand both being inimical there may prevail some unfavourable results during this period.During this period native becomes goal oriented and make full use of his efforts to achieve his dreams come true. The person attains a confident and charismatic personality. He gets good position ar work front.This period indicates the inclination of the native towards spirituality and religious pursuits. These persons go through righteous path and will be honoured with rewards. He will have good relation with government and he is in good terms with people with higher positions.Although this is a period of great benefit the impact of rahu may produce certain impediments and mishappenings in the natives life. His mind may be constantly disturbed Int the career arena also there may be some troubles and upheavals. There may prevail some occasional hurdles in progress. Native may be prone to fever, poisonous diseases, fire injuries and quarrels also upset them.
Moon Anthardasha
Being sensitive and gentle moon is unable to ward off the impacts of rahu. Emotional imbalance, depression, anxiety may prevail during this period.Exaggerated emotions and impulsiveness of mind can be indicated.Domestic crisis and detachment from loved ones may occur and there may be increased number of opponents during this period.Native tends to indulge in conflicts with family members. Professionally and financially it is a period of down falls. Success can be achieved only through putting more efforts and endeavours.
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