Planet Mercury in
Mercury is a very small planet
which can’t be seen with our naked eyes and is very near to Sun. It takes 88
days to complete an orbit around the Sun. Mercury turns in retrograde 4 times a
year. It stays in one sign for 25 days. Wednesday and autum season are governed
by Mercury. Mercury is the son of Moon
Mercury has great significance
in Astrology. Gemini and Virgo are its own sign. It is exalted in Virgo and
debilitated in pisces. Mercury is friendly with Sun and Venus and Moon is its
enemy. 3rd and 6th houses of a natal chart are governed
by Mercury. It is neither masculine nor feminine. It takes on the attributes of
the planets it is associated with. Mercury rules over a persons nervous system
and skin. According to Hindu mythology the ruling deity of Mercury is lord
Vishnu. It symbolises siblings, skills, perception, uncle and education.
Mercury also called Budh is
the planet of intelligence and wit. It is concerned about a persons thought, humour
sense , communication skill, information
and formulation of ideas in the mind. It
represents a persons awareness, business mind, self confidence, speech and
analytical skill .A strong Mercury in a natal chart denotes success in the
field of commerce, trade and banking. Mercury bestows upon a person the ability
to think and take quick decisions rationally and intellectually. Mercurians
will be curious to learn, coordinative, restless, negotiative ,logical and
adept at picking up new knowledge . It makes a person express his inner
feelings effectively. They will be well informed and communicate with very
sweet words. Speaking, book writing ,
short journeys, visiting friends are all under the domain of Mercury. It helps
a person to explain his inner emotions to the world. It governs all professions
related to communication, writing, LIC, research, business advisors. They are
likely to run profitable businesses, contract works, carry messages and
computer related jobs. Able secretaries, ambassadors, secretaries, auditors,
accountants, mathematicians and teachers must have a strong Mercury in their
natal chart.
Unlike the beneficial Mercury,
a malefic Mercury produces negative effects. It makes a person irrational,
illiterate, deprived of knowledge and stammering.
They will lack self esteem and become nervous. They will face disharmony in
their family life, business failure and diseases related to nervous system and
Mercury in different houses:

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